Scripting Syntax

The following V+ command syntax is available:


Say the current military time, digit by digit. This is the local time on the target computer.

{say port integer n}

Say the current value of port "n" digit by digit in integer form.  For example, 0.123 would be spoken as "zero", while 1.234 would be spoken as "one", and 123.0 would be spoken as one two three etc.  Only the integer portion of the number is spoken.

{say port informal integer n}

Say the current value of port "n" in integer form informally.  For example, 0.123 would be spoken as "zero", while 1.234 would be spoken as "one", and 123.0 would be spoken as "one hundred twenty three" etc.  Only the integer portion of the number is spoken.

{if port n = c}

{if port n > c}

{if port n < c}

{end if}

The conditional commands allow sections of text to be spoken based on the condition of a port "n". Constant c is compared against the port. If the condition is true, the text up to the {end if} is spoken. If the condition is false, the text after the {end if} is spoken.  Every {if...} command must have a corresponding {end if}. Note that conditionals may be nested up to 200 levels.